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7 Easy Blue & White DIY Christmas and Holiday Decor Ideas

I can’t wait to share with you these 7 easy Blue & White Christmas and Holiday Decor ideas.

It is still July, and I couldn’t pass up my chance to share at least one Christmas in July post.

Then I thought, why stop at just one Blue & White Christmas and Holiday Decor Idea?

How about 7? One for each day of the week!

It’s so much more fun to get together with my friends and have all of us share one.

For my project, I am sharing how to make these really beautiful resin poured ornaments with Maker Epoxy from Total Boat.

Beautiful blue & white ones, to stick with our theme of Blue & White Christmas and Holiday Decor ideas.

They are so dreamy and wintery, like snow falling on a frozen lake.

total boat resin pour ornament maker epoxy

Isn’t the shape of the ornament beautiful, too?

You won’t believe what I used.

arabesque tile sheet

Arabesque tile!

They look like little ornaments don’t they?

You can separate the pieces by hand.

Then use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove the little nubs that connected them all together.

Trust me on this one, when you are making a bunch of ornaments it saves you from having raw finger tips.

arabesque tile clean edges with needle nose pliers

You can typically find the tiles at Home Depot or other flooring outlets.

Before we get in to the DIY, here’s what you need to get started:

  • Arabesque Tile
  • Medical Gloves
  • Total Boat Maker Epoxy Resin
  • Pigments for coloring your resin
  • Aluminum Trays [to catch the drips]
  • Mixing cups
  • Tongue depressors or popcicle sticks [for mixing]
  • Tiny disposable cups [for dividing the eposy and mixing colors]
  • Toothpicks [for swirling]
  • Plastic [for protecting your work surface]
  • Old spray paint caps or reusable containers [to create a pedestal for the tile]
  • Heat gun [optional, for removing surface bubbles]

I added some of my favorite to the amazon shopping list below.
If you purchase by clicking on the links, I may make a small commission for recommending the products – but at not cost to you!
I appreciate it when you click on the links, because it supports the work that goes in to A Loverly Life and helps me create free content for you <3

First thing that I should make clear is that even though this is an easy project, it can be a messy one.
Cover your surface with sheets of plastic, because if you drip it is STICKY.

Second thing, GLOVE UP!

I learned from Total Boat Epoxy Resin goddess, Jess Crow from Crow Creek Designs that it is best to put 2 pair of gloves on.

One glove on top of another.
That way if you get too messy, you can carefully pull off one glove while still protecting your hands.

If you want to see mastery at work, check out Crow Creek Designs.

I like to use these disposable aluminum lasagna pans to catch drips.
You can use them multiple times and the hardened epoxy usually pops out.
One more tip, is to keep cotton pads and running alcohol on hand to help clean up drips.

Let’s GO!

Let’s start by mixing the Maker Epoxy by Total Boat

total boat maker epoxy DIY resin pour ornament tutorial

It is very important to follow the directions for mixing your epoxy.

I used a 1:1 ratio epoxy.
Only make enough for a few ornaments to start, because otherwise you risk the epoxy curing to fast.

Once you get the hang of it, you can make a bit more.
So once you mix the epoxy, this is one part resin and one part epoxy.
Gently stir to mix for about 3 minutes.

total boat maker epoxy DIY resin pour ornament tutorial

Then place a spray paint lid [or whatever you are using to lift the tile up] in the aluminum tray.

arabesque tile

Then gently stir the epoxy again and pour it in to smaller containers to mix each of your colors.

Some of the pigments that I used for this project were from Black Diamond.
The colors are Titanium Galaxy [silver sparkle], Ghost Sapphire Blue [an opal irridescent].

I also had left over white and blue pigment from another project.

Start by carefully pouring about a half dollar size amount of white epoxy resin for the base color.

epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin
epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin

Next add a bit of your blue epoxy.

epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin

Then add a bit of Ghost Blue Sapphire – this color looks like an opal and shimmers so loverly.

It adds depth and dimension to the epoxy.

epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin

and finally add a bit of Titanium Galaxy for some sparkle

epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin

Here comes the fun part!

Use a toothpick to gently make swirls and designs to mix the Total Boat Maker Epoxy, have fun with it!
Just make sure to keep your project over your aluminum tray!

epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin

Here comes the magical part…and messy part.

Carefully pick up the tile and gently tilt back and forth to distribute the epoxy around the ornament.
Just be careful not to let all the epoxy fall off!
There will be drips, so keep the project over your aluminum tray.

Use the toothpick to help distribute the epoxy to the entire surface.

When the piece of tile is covered, lay it back on the spray paint can lid [or whatever you decided to us] and make sure it is FLAT so that the epoxy can level and drip off.

If it is not flat, the epoxy may all slide off the tile.

We wouldn’t want that!

epoxy resin ornament DIY tutorial total boat resin

I made quite a few of them.

As the Maker Epoxy settles and levels off, the designs take on a life of their own and settle a bit.

The swirls are so pretty, like a winter wonderland.

I let mine cure overnight.

Just leave them be, and let their beautiful swirls take shape.

Make sure to follow the instructions on cure time with the epoxy you use.

To finish them off, I just added a bit of coordinated ribbon and fabric to the back.

Maker Epoxy Total Boat ornament DIY Tutorial blue white a loverly life

I can’t wait to hang them on my tree!

Are you inspired?
You’ve got plenty of time until Holiday season is upon us [but don’t wait too long!]

Make sure to check out these other Easy Blue & White DIY Christmas and Holiday Decor Ideas that my friends put together.

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  1. These are spectacular! And how brilliant to use the tile as your backers. So gorgeous!!!!
    Oh how you make me wish I had taken the time to play with this at Haven!

  2. I am in LOVE with this! And what makes it amazing is that I won the Total Boat products to do this! So excited! Thanks for the inspiration, friend! It was great hopping with you!

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